Today’s market is among the best ever for those seeking employment and there are many full time and part time jobs for retirees. The market is so good that I would caution you against settling for the first thing that comes along. The fact is that seniors make excellent employees. This is not meant to sound negative towards the younger generation, because they bring a fresh perspective and energy that is hard to beat. But some surveys have indicated that employers find the senior citizens who are working part time in their retirement are often more conscientious than their younger counterparts and bring a level of experience that is hard to find in someone whose track record is just beginning.
As I’ve shared throughout this website, I couldn’t wait to retire and get out of the working world, but I realize that sentiment may not be yours. And it may be that your financial situation lends itself to searching out extra income possibilities so, now, you are wondering whether there are any part time jobs for retirees. There not only are some excellent jobs, but the employment crunch is so acute that employers are frequently paying well above minimum wage to attract good help.
My advice is to seek out employment that is going to be of interest to you. You don’t have to settle for the first thing that comes along. If you have hobbies or other interests, why not see if you can find something that is related to the things that you enjoy doing. A friend of mine loved to work around the house and he was always tearing down walls or building a porch or even remodeling their kitchen by himself. He’s now in his seventies and has found that he cannot do that kind of work anymore. He’s found employment in a large home supply store and is helping customers find the right tools and sharing his experience with them. He’s having so much fun he’s thinking about being a part of their consulting team. But he draws the line on a management position even though he’s been approached on numerous occasions. Too many headaches, too much pressure. He’s having fun, making extra money and socializing with customers and staying sharp and active. When you look at the various part time jobs for retirees, that should be your goal.
If arts and crafts are hobbies that you enjoy, you can usually see a Help Wanted sign at one of the craft stores that dominate that market. If you have experience framing pictures, I have found these stores to do an excellent job, and some are willing to train you in that field. There’s an art to finding the right matte and frame for a picture or painting. It’s very satisfying to see a customer pick up their finished product and compliment you on a job well done.
Of course, part time jobs for retirees might even include a small business that is geared to one of your hobbies or interests. You can mentor someone in woodworking, painting, writing or photography if you have those skills. You can sell your finished work and find stores that will give you space to display your offerings. While it might not be as steady an income as if you reported to a job every day, there is a great deal of satisfaction from selling something that you built or created. If you sing or play an instrument you can even explore that option. Many little bands got their start playing free concerts and worked up to earning a nice income from weddings or other events.
If you have a hobby or interest, a passion or desire to learn about a subject or a place, one of the best businesses to consider is to create a website like this one. It’s been far more rewarding than I ever imagined, and I enjoy the feedback that I receive concerning some of the information or recommendations that I’ve provided. As you can see from the subject matter that is throughout the site, I cover all of my favorite topics from places that I’ve been or things I like to do. So, if your objective is to create a little extra income, there are many part time jobs for retirees where you can do that. But take a little extra time and see if you can match the job with your interests. Keep in mind that a little business is also an option and may be a way to make money from doing the things you like to do. The possibilities are endless. It’s time to Enjoy Retired Life!
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