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Enjoy Retired Life

Welcome!  My name is James Conner and I am very happy that you stopped by for a visit.  I created this website because I absolutely love being retired.  All the things I dreamed of doing I can now do.  I can learn about all the things that have interested me and I can go anywhere I want to go.

The best part of retirement is spending time with my wife Cathy who thoroughly enjoys retirement as well.  A retired school teacher, she enjoyed her work immensely.  

I worked for Corporate America for forty years and hated every minute of it so retirement is a dream come true for me.  One of the saddest things in life is someone who doesn't enjoy their retirement.  This website was created in an attempt to try to correct that one person at a time.  There are just too many things to do and places to see to not enjoy this time of your life.

We have been able to see some amazing places.  The picture above was taken in Venice and was a Retirement Trip that was truly memorable and one would we would do again in a minute except for the fact that there are so many other places to see.

If you look around you'll get a little bit of an idea of all the things we like to do and there are even some suggestions on how to customize your own retirement in a way that can be truly exciting no matter what your budget.

In the spirit of full disclosure, there are recommendations contained within these pages that I will earn a commission from.  I don't apologize for that because any of the recommendations made are products or services I believe in.  I even tell you about ways that will enable you to do the same thing.

One additional note is on some of the wording that you will see here.  I alternate from "I" to "we" frequently but don't read anything into that.  My wife and I have been happily married for over forty five years so everything we do is a group effort in some way.

Again, thank you very much for visiting!

Other sites that you may find interesting

Robin Nichols has a great website and magazine called Vermont Maturity.  You can check it out at