The Best Jobs For Retirees Are Flexible and Match Their Passions

Getting a job in retirement is one of the last things I want to do but I realize that it’s something many people consider.  The best jobs for retirees, in my opinion, are the ones that correspond closely with a person’s interests and offer the greatest flexibility in working hours.  We are pretty active in retirement and sometimes we wonder how we were able to work at all.  But obviously, we did and, at times, probably too much.  It might be why I have such an aversion to working in retirement.  But I get it, some people either want to work or they need a little extra money, and they have to work.  What should you do if you find yourself in that position?

The good news is that there are plenty of options.  If you have any hobbies or interests such as golf or fishing, try looking at jobs related to these activities.  Check out the sporting goods store or any of the local golf courses.  Gardeners can see if their local nursery is looking for help and bookstores or hobby shops are always interesting places as well (if you can find any in your area).  Keep in mind that sometimes you might be able to get a discount as an employee so that might help you save some money as well.  Be creative.  Remember you have skills and experience that employers will find attractive.  A friend of mine is working at a local restaurant.  He loves to cook and loves good food even more.  He can wait on tables and work in the kitchen as well.  The best part is that he watches a very good chef at work.  His need for extra money was only temporary but he’s kept the job because he really enjoys the work.


The best jobs for retirees are the ones that match their interests!

The best jobs for retirees could make quite a list but, depending on your interests and skill levels, you might be better off starting your own business.  There are couple of guys in our community that have started handyman businesses and now have to turn work away.  They find it a great way to keep active, make surprisingly good money and boredom never enters their thoughts.  There’s something different every day.  If they don’t feel they can handle the job, they tell the homeowner and suggest someone that they trust.  They have a great sense of satisfaction for providing that service.

A couple of our acquaintances have gone back to their old jobs on a part time basis.  Their accounting background is in great demand, and they’ve even picked up some computer skills.  The best jobs for retirees often provide an opportunity to provide new learning and adding to a resume if that sounds like something you’re interested in.  The main point, I think, is that at this stage of your life you should take some time to plan the best way to re-enter the workforce.  Don’t sell yourself short.  You’re more valuable than you think.  And don’t give up the idea of being your own boss.

Golf Can Be Your Job

One of the things I liked least about my working years was having someone always telling me what to do or checking up on what I was doing.  Yes, I realize that’s the case with most people, but it would have been nice to have my own business.  I just didn’t have the nerve.  I still don’t.  I regard this website as a hobby that actually provides an income.  It’s the best way to have no pressure and that is what I like the best.   On my list, the best jobs for retirees would always involve a business of some kind but that business should be something that I’m not a slave to.  A website is like having your own little store, but you never have to be there to greet the customer – you let your writing do it for you.  I was in retail for a little while and I always had to open and close the store and answer alarm calls, which were always false alarms.  A website allows me to do what I like which is writing about new things and different places and talk about one of my favorite subjects: enjoying retirement to the fullest.

Whatever you decide to do, take the time to think about the possibilities.  Anyone can work a counter or cook French fries at the local fast-food restaurant, but taking the time to think about what you’re interested in and finding a job or starting a little business related to that interest can make all the difference in the world.  I have found this website to be the most enjoyable hobby that I've ever had.  There's nothing off limits for me to research and I've can't tell you how much I've learned.  You can even write off some of the things that are so much fun, like traveling to all the great places this world has to offer.  It’s time to Enjoy Retired Life!

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If you think it might be fun to start your own website (it is!) please look here.

If you’d like to learn about earning a steady online income, please check out this possibility.

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